How is homosexuality right?
I have now come to a conclusion about myself. I have come to the self-realization that I AM NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT. I will never agree with homosexuality. There, I said it. To all those people (even in some VERY misguided churches) that say God accepts this class of people in there present state, I ask you to refer to the story of Sodom and Gomorah. Now does this mean I hate homosexuals, no. I just consider them to be in a state that keeps them from a closer relationship with God just like any other sinner. Now I know that by saying this very open statement, I'll draw some fire, but I would rather be Biblically correct than politically correct.
1 Corintians 6:9-10 says Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters, nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thiefs nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderes nor swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God. There, the Bible says it, not me. It's plain as day, the homosexual offenders are lumped in with the rest of us sinners (yes, I said us). The fact of the matter is that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but we're not forgiven until we recognize that we need our Lord Jesus to forgive us of our sinful ways. That includes homosexuality.
The problem that we as Christians face today is that the vocal minority in this nation are getting laws passed that call us biggots if we have a different view than they do. There is legislation in various states making it against certain non-profit laws for a church to preach against homosexuality. They call it a hate crime, we call it our beliefs. Having said this, I wonder who the biggots really are. The following story is from a local Pastor who does some very incredible writing on how political issues are effecting the church and the believer. Please don't read it and do nothing, write your congress people and let them know that you will not put up with this. Do it for the sake of the Church before it's to late....
Far left Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) has once again introduced his so-called “hate crimes” bill to provide special federal protection for homosexuality, cross-dressing, and transsexualism.
H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007, is a rehash of his 2005 bill, according to sources in Congress.
H.R. 1592 claims there is an epidemic of “hate” against homosexuals and cross-dressers that is so pervasive throughout our nation, that local law enforcement officials are overwhelmed in dealing with the problem.
In addition, Conyers’ and his congressional cohorts claim – without any evidence whatsoever – that homosexuals, cross-dressers, etc., are so persecuted in their home states that they are fleeing into neighboring states to avoid persecution.
The legislation asserts that violence against these groups forces “such members to move across state lines to escape the incidence or risk of such violence.” Liberals also claim things are so bad for homosexuals, cross-dressers, etc., that these individuals are prevented “from purchasing goods and services; obtaining or sustaining employment, or participating in other commercial activity.”
The bogus claim that interstate travel is involved in “hate,” is needed by Conyers to invoke federal involvement in local law enforcement through the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution.
“Conyers has created a whole false scenario about hordes of homosexuals and cross-dressers fleeing across state lines in order to justify his dangerous hate crimes bill,” said TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty. “If there is such a mass migration of homosexuals, cross-dressers and drag queens across state lines, I wonder why the mainstream media hasn’t reported on this national tragedy? Of course, the truth is that there is no migration of fear-filled drag queens or homosexuals crossing state lines to avoid being beaten up.”
Contrary to what John Conyers claims, there is no epidemic of hate against individuals because of their sexual orientation. FBI hate crime statistics from 2005 (the latest available) report only 1,171 cases of sexual orientation bias against individuals. Of those, 301 were listed as “intimidation,” which is name-calling. Another 333 were listed as “simple assault,” which is pushing or shoving. Only 177 were listed as aggravated assault against a person because of his sexual orientation.
“In a nation of 300 million, the existence of 1,171 “hate crimes” against individuals hardly constitutes a national epidemic that is overwhelming local police departments or sheriff’s departments.
“The ultimate goal of Conyers’ bill is to silence all opposition to the homosexual/transgender political agenda. So-called ‘hate speech’ will be suppressed because it supposedly incites individuals to violence against homosexuals/ transgenders. Defined by homosexuals, hate speech is any verbal or printed materials that criticize the normalization of sodomy in our culture. The goal is to undermine the First Amendment and persecute Christians who oppose homosexuality” said Lafferty.
TAKE ACTION: Contact your U.S. Representative immediately and ask that they vote NO on Conyer’s hate crimes bill. Use the information provided above for your email correspondence when you use CapWiz.
1 Corintians 6:9-10 says Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters, nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thiefs nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderes nor swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God. There, the Bible says it, not me. It's plain as day, the homosexual offenders are lumped in with the rest of us sinners (yes, I said us). The fact of the matter is that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but we're not forgiven until we recognize that we need our Lord Jesus to forgive us of our sinful ways. That includes homosexuality.
The problem that we as Christians face today is that the vocal minority in this nation are getting laws passed that call us biggots if we have a different view than they do. There is legislation in various states making it against certain non-profit laws for a church to preach against homosexuality. They call it a hate crime, we call it our beliefs. Having said this, I wonder who the biggots really are. The following story is from a local Pastor who does some very incredible writing on how political issues are effecting the church and the believer. Please don't read it and do nothing, write your congress people and let them know that you will not put up with this. Do it for the sake of the Church before it's to late....
Far left Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) has once again introduced his so-called “hate crimes” bill to provide special federal protection for homosexuality, cross-dressing, and transsexualism.
H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007, is a rehash of his 2005 bill, according to sources in Congress.
H.R. 1592 claims there is an epidemic of “hate” against homosexuals and cross-dressers that is so pervasive throughout our nation, that local law enforcement officials are overwhelmed in dealing with the problem.
In addition, Conyers’ and his congressional cohorts claim – without any evidence whatsoever – that homosexuals, cross-dressers, etc., are so persecuted in their home states that they are fleeing into neighboring states to avoid persecution.
The legislation asserts that violence against these groups forces “such members to move across state lines to escape the incidence or risk of such violence.” Liberals also claim things are so bad for homosexuals, cross-dressers, etc., that these individuals are prevented “from purchasing goods and services; obtaining or sustaining employment, or participating in other commercial activity.”
The bogus claim that interstate travel is involved in “hate,” is needed by Conyers to invoke federal involvement in local law enforcement through the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution.
“Conyers has created a whole false scenario about hordes of homosexuals and cross-dressers fleeing across state lines in order to justify his dangerous hate crimes bill,” said TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty. “If there is such a mass migration of homosexuals, cross-dressers and drag queens across state lines, I wonder why the mainstream media hasn’t reported on this national tragedy? Of course, the truth is that there is no migration of fear-filled drag queens or homosexuals crossing state lines to avoid being beaten up.”
Contrary to what John Conyers claims, there is no epidemic of hate against individuals because of their sexual orientation. FBI hate crime statistics from 2005 (the latest available) report only 1,171 cases of sexual orientation bias against individuals. Of those, 301 were listed as “intimidation,” which is name-calling. Another 333 were listed as “simple assault,” which is pushing or shoving. Only 177 were listed as aggravated assault against a person because of his sexual orientation.
“In a nation of 300 million, the existence of 1,171 “hate crimes” against individuals hardly constitutes a national epidemic that is overwhelming local police departments or sheriff’s departments.
“The ultimate goal of Conyers’ bill is to silence all opposition to the homosexual/transgender political agenda. So-called ‘hate speech’ will be suppressed because it supposedly incites individuals to violence against homosexuals/ transgenders. Defined by homosexuals, hate speech is any verbal or printed materials that criticize the normalization of sodomy in our culture. The goal is to undermine the First Amendment and persecute Christians who oppose homosexuality” said Lafferty.
TAKE ACTION: Contact your U.S. Representative immediately and ask that they vote NO on Conyer’s hate crimes bill. Use the information provided above for your email correspondence when you use CapWiz.
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