True leadership
My words are wise, and my thoughts are filled with insight (Psalm 49:3, NLT).
Have you taken a look around at our great country lately? I mean seriously taken a look at the news. We're sure turning down the wrong path. If we're not fighting among ourselves, then we're fighting with someone else. It seems as though our leaders have no clear direction on which way we should be going now that the times are not all peaches and cream. So what should they do during times like this? Great leaders, who are wise, turn to the Bible when things get tough.
Feeling a little bit on the restless side one night before a major battle in the Pacific, General Douglas MacArthur turned to his Bible, which he did on a regular basis, and read God's Word until he felt at peace. Then the general went to bed. Even though the battle the next day would play a major role in the course of World War II, knowing that if he gave his plans to the Lord, not only would he feel the peace, but the outcome would be to God's glory.
General George Washington, our first President and father of our country, said, "It is impossible to rightly govern... without God and the Bible." The first time I visited his Mount Vernon home, the guide took me to the place where morning and evening General Washington knelt to read his Bible and pray.
Another general, Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President, said, "I believe in the Holy Scriptures, and who so lives by them will be benefited thereby..."
General Andrew Jackson, who became our seventh President, in referring to the Bible, stated, "That book, Sir, is the Rock upon which our republic rests."
Why did these and thousands of other leaders, and also scholars and massive numbers of lay people, choose the Bible? Why not Shakespeare, or a great novel, or a discourse on philosophy?
The answer's pretty clear: The Bible is God's Word to man. It has the power to bring peace, happiness, comfort and guidance as no other book in the world can do. Generals Washington, MacArthur, Grant and Jackson knew this, as have many great leaders and others down throughout history.
If the Bible is so vital that even great leaders turn to it in times of crisis, then all of us should turn to it in our everyday lives.
Here's what the Bible has to say about this topic:
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right" (2 Timothy 3:16, NLT).
"All your words are true" (Psalm 119:160, NLT).
"Every word of God proves true" (Proverbs 30:5, NLT).
"The Scriptures cannot be altered" (John 10:35, NLT).
"Forever, O LORD, your word stands firm in heaven" (Psalm 119:89, NLT).
Thank God for giving us the Bible. Through it, God has revealed Himself, His own thoughts, attributes, commandments, promises, plan of redemption, and the future, as well as many other things.
I cannot imagine what life would be like without God's Holy inspired Word. Let's start praying today that the leaders of our country will learn to turn to the Word of God again today as this great nation faces some very turbulent times. Pray for the peace that it will bring this countryif we truly turn back to God. Pray for our leaders.
Praying for our President.
Pastor Mike
Have you taken a look around at our great country lately? I mean seriously taken a look at the news. We're sure turning down the wrong path. If we're not fighting among ourselves, then we're fighting with someone else. It seems as though our leaders have no clear direction on which way we should be going now that the times are not all peaches and cream. So what should they do during times like this? Great leaders, who are wise, turn to the Bible when things get tough.
Feeling a little bit on the restless side one night before a major battle in the Pacific, General Douglas MacArthur turned to his Bible, which he did on a regular basis, and read God's Word until he felt at peace. Then the general went to bed. Even though the battle the next day would play a major role in the course of World War II, knowing that if he gave his plans to the Lord, not only would he feel the peace, but the outcome would be to God's glory.
General George Washington, our first President and father of our country, said, "It is impossible to rightly govern... without God and the Bible." The first time I visited his Mount Vernon home, the guide took me to the place where morning and evening General Washington knelt to read his Bible and pray.
Another general, Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President, said, "I believe in the Holy Scriptures, and who so lives by them will be benefited thereby..."
General Andrew Jackson, who became our seventh President, in referring to the Bible, stated, "That book, Sir, is the Rock upon which our republic rests."
Why did these and thousands of other leaders, and also scholars and massive numbers of lay people, choose the Bible? Why not Shakespeare, or a great novel, or a discourse on philosophy?
The answer's pretty clear: The Bible is God's Word to man. It has the power to bring peace, happiness, comfort and guidance as no other book in the world can do. Generals Washington, MacArthur, Grant and Jackson knew this, as have many great leaders and others down throughout history.
If the Bible is so vital that even great leaders turn to it in times of crisis, then all of us should turn to it in our everyday lives.
Here's what the Bible has to say about this topic:
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right" (2 Timothy 3:16, NLT).
"All your words are true" (Psalm 119:160, NLT).
"Every word of God proves true" (Proverbs 30:5, NLT).
"The Scriptures cannot be altered" (John 10:35, NLT).
"Forever, O LORD, your word stands firm in heaven" (Psalm 119:89, NLT).
Thank God for giving us the Bible. Through it, God has revealed Himself, His own thoughts, attributes, commandments, promises, plan of redemption, and the future, as well as many other things.
I cannot imagine what life would be like without God's Holy inspired Word. Let's start praying today that the leaders of our country will learn to turn to the Word of God again today as this great nation faces some very turbulent times. Pray for the peace that it will bring this countryif we truly turn back to God. Pray for our leaders.
Praying for our President.
Pastor Mike
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