Seminary Student Gets Beat Up!

Do you harbor a grudge today? Is there someone you just cannot find it in your heart to forgive? Why should you?
If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins (Matthew 6:14-15, NLT).
The Old Testament story of Joseph is one of the most moving stories in the Bible and in the history of the world.
Joseph was really a great and godly man, who suffered beyond belief, was misunderstood, but was faithful to God. The late Dr. J. Vernon McGee counted many ways in which the details of Joseph's life were events that were a preview and a symbol of the life of Christ.
When Joseph's brothers came before him in Egypt asking for food, he faced a stiff test. Years before, they had threatened to kill him, and then they sold him into slavery.
But now, years later, Joseph forgave them. After their father Jacob died, they feared Joseph might take revenge, but he assured them of his complete forgiveness.
Chuck Swindoll reports that a seminary student in Chicago faced a similar forgiveness test. Although he preferred to work in some kind of ministry, the only job he could find was driving a bus on Chicago's south side.
One day a gang of tough teens got on board and refused to pay the fare. After a few days of this, the seminarian spotted a policeman on the corner, stopped the bus and reported them. The officer made them pay, but then he got off. When the bus rounded a corner, the gang robbed the seminarian and beat him severely. He pressed charges and the gang was rounded up. They were found guilty. But as soon as the jail sentences were given the young Christian saw their spiritual need and felt pity for them. So he asked the judge if he could serve their sentences for them.
The gang members and the judge were dumfounded. "It's because I forgive you," he explained. His request was denied but he visited the young men in jail and led several of them to faith in Christ.
As with Joseph and the seminarian, if we are wronged, may we be quick to forgive and allow God to use the situation for His redemptive purposes.
"If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins" (Matthew 6:14-15, NLT).
Praying that we all empty our hearts of bitterness
Pastor Mike
Giving Shots
A pediatric nurse, had the difficult assignment of giving immunization shots to children. One day she entered the examining room to give four-year-old Lizzie her shot.
"NO!! NO!! NO!!" she screamed.
"Lizzie," her mother scolded. "That's not polite behavior."
At that, the girl yelled even louder,
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