A different direction today!

Today's passage of thought is 1 Corinthians 3: 7-9, So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded accordingly to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.
Everyone of us have been put here for a reason. God has created us for a specific purpose in his overall plan for the universe. The problem is, we're often so concerned with our personal needs that we forget that one of the purest ways to worhip God is to serve Him with a humble and loving heart. But how do we do that?
Find your gift and use it! Realize that we all have different abilities and use the one that God gave you, not the one you want. Now I realize that there is a difference. I want to sing, but if you have ever heard me try, then you would understand why muzzles were made. Accept the fact that some gifts may not seem as "glamorous" as others, but they are all vital. When I was young, we used to have this huge garden that the family depended on for food. Each one of the kids were assigned a specific task that kept the garden growing so that we could have food for the winter. Some of us had to weed, some water, some plow, some plant, and on and on. It seemed like we never really wanted to do what we were assigned, but one thing is for sure, when we all did our jobs, we produced a bumper crop. Pray for an opportunity to use your gift to glorify Jesus today. When we serve the Lord, then he is truly exalted. When we serve the Lord, then we are truly rewarded.
I pray that you find the joy of being used by the Lord. I pray for those who are overseas facing death so people can come to know the Lord Jesus. I pray for the Christian family to come together to further advance the Kingdom of God. I pray that we all support each other in the exercising of our God-given gifts. I pray for you today.
Be Blessed,
Pastor Mike
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