Don't face life alone!

Today's passage is from 2 Samuel 22:33-34: It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights.
Every person has their own obstacles to overcome in Life. We all face challenges and difficulties on the road to success, but the difference between those who succeed, and those who fail, is persistence.
Life is not a level, smooth path, but rather a series of hills and valleys. There are times spent on the mountain top, when everything seems clear and perfect. Then there are those times when we feel like we're wandering around in a dark cave, feeling our way along and trusting God for every step of faith.
A runner gets a "second wind" after forcing himself to go on when he feels like he can't. We feel the joy of God's Spirit lift us up and carry us when we choose to go on in faith, no matter how we feel, or what's going on around us.
Take some time today to be persistent in your faith. Faith in God to lead you, pick you up when you fall, give you strength to go on, and bring you to victory over life's struggles. Remember that we can do anything through Him who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).
God loves us, and He'll never leave us to face life alone. Call on Him today to give you the strength to face life with joy and abundance. Remember the poem Footprints? Will you let Him carry you when times get tough, or will you try it on your own? His arms are wide open, climb on in.
I love you all, and ask that you pray today for the Missionaries of the world, and ask that you tell at least one person about Jesus today.
Please feel free to post your comments on this site for others to see and gain encouragement from. You can also email me at with any prayer requests, as we'll soon be starting a prayer chain.
In the grip of the Lord,
Pastor Mike
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