Just another Saturday morning!

Last night was so fun. At 8:30, I spontaniously decided that I would take the dive into the world of blogging. By 11:30, I turned the thing over to Carmen and told her goodnight. It wasn't because I wasn't having a blast, it was because me and the computer have a love-hate relationship. It loves to hate me (Yes, I am one of those two-fingered typists that can barely turn a computer on). I had two Pastor friends of mine from Galt California (thanks Rob and Al) who showed me their sites, and much to my dismay, I was instantly jealous. Their blogs were flashy and looked so awesome compared to mine. So, I went to bed dreaming of putting flashes of brilliance on my new site that would be the envy of everyone. Well, I am proud to announce that this morning reality has set in, and I am more than happy with what I have. So, if you'll be patient with us, our site will look better as we learn how to navigate this brave new cyber world.
Carmen is a wiz with computers, and has already learned a lot about this blog world. She has added Pastor Rob and Al's blog site links to our page. If you would like to include yours, please feel free to let us know so we can expand our site to the far reaches of the world. We would also appreciate any ideas or suggestions that you have for us. Isn't it amazing what God has given us?
I was reading 1 Corithians 15 this morning when verse 58 really jumped out at me. It says; "Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." It's time for me to change. I need to start making sure that I don't become distracted by life. I need to stay more focused on making sure that everyone knows about the love of Jesus and what He's done for me. I NEED TO SPREAD THE WORD................................
I gotta go for now, but I'll be catching you later.
Proverbs 3:5,6
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