What's with all this wisdom?

Solomon had it all. There's no doubt that he ruled over the golden age of Israel. He had riches that we can't even imagine, fame beyond belief, and wisdom greater than anyone who had ever lived. All of this of course, came from God.
Solomon was one of several sons of David and Bathsheba (1 Ch. 3:5). David had promised the Kingdom to Solomon (1 Kins 1:17), whom God had picked to follow him (1 Ch 28:5). God wanted to bless Israel through Solomon's rule. One night, God told Solomon to ask for anything and He would give it to him. Solomon knew that he needed wisdom to rule Israel.
When God answers a prayer, He doesn't go half way. Solomon wasn't given just a little wisdom; he became the wisest man who ever lived! His wisdom was known throughout the world, and people came from all over to meet him (1 Kings 4:29-24). Solomom built the greatest Temple in Jerusalem. He wrote Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon.
Solomon struggled however at putting his wisdom to use when it came to his home life. God had commanded Israel not to intermarry with certain nations, yet Soloman "loved" many. God said "Surely they will turn away your hearts after other Gods." (1 Kings 11:1), but Solomon didn't listen. He didn't marry one or two women, he married 700, and also had 300 concubines. What God predicted came true of course; "His wives turned his heart after other; and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God." (1 Kings 11:4).
Like Solomon, we may be wise in some areas, but not in managing our own lives. Solomon did much for the nation of Israel with his wisdom, but his unwise lack of restraint caused him to lose his Kingdom (1 Kings 11:11). A truly wise person knows how to apply his God-given talent to their life. That's how we should apply the wisdom of Proverbs Chapters 1 and 2 to our lives.
Be Blessed today, and I'll see you tomorrow.
With Love,
Pastor Mike
Other wisdom related passages
Deuteronomy 17:18-20
Joshua 1:8
Proverbs 1 and 2
Matthew 7:24-27 and 13:18-23
2 Timothy 3:14-17
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