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I had a lot of errands to do today, and by the time I finished them all, I was so exhausted. The 1500 mile trip, as well as the days activities took it's toll on me. As I settled in to relax today with Carmen, we decided to watch a movie called, "The Second Chance." It's a Christian movie with Michael W. Smith, and I highly recomend it. In fact, I give it three crosses up.
Today I have no verses for the devotional. I have no words of wisdom. I do have the need to get you to watch this movie though. This film explores what it means to truly follow Jesus Christ. I reminds us to get back to the basics of what it means to serve Jesus, others, and the world, just as our Saviour served us. The sad part is that it sometimes takes a movie or something else to remind us. But whatever it takes to make us do the right thing, then we need to be doing it. Don't become such a "good and busy" Christian that we forget to serve others, get out there today and wash somebody's feet just like Jesus did. Make your walk with the Lord REAL today. Put down your own needs and see how you can turn somebody elses life around. Do it in the name of Jesus.
Praying that we all remember what Jesus did
Pastor Mike

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