Still Counting - Subtraction

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away (subtracts) the sin of the world! John 1:29
To most people, math is no fun. We tend to think of it as the subject in school that was just there to bring our GPA down. But math is important-especially in God's equation for our lives. He uses math in our lives to work out his supernatural equation.
When it comes to applying God's math to our lives, most of us don't mind adding. We love to add new things because it can make life exciting and new. Far too often, though, we forget that addition is not the only part of God's equation. He also tells us that we need to occasionally take things away from our lives. But we tend to resist applying subtraction to life.
What we need to understand is that subtraction is just as important in God's math as addition is. God doesn’t always ask us, "What are you doing?" Many times he asks us, "What are you not doing that you were doing before?" He wants us to subtract those things from our lives that are hurtful or unproductive. God tells us that subtraction is vital for our growth.
What is God telling you to subtract from your life? Is it a harmful habit or a draining relationship? Whatever it is, God wants you to subtract it from your life so that you can grow. This week, listen to God's instruction and apply his mathematical equation. Don't just focus addition-remember that subtraction is just as important.
Looking forward to having less tomorrow
Pastor Mike

What's in a Word?
Old Rev. Johnson was begging his board of directors to buy a new chandelier for the church.
Pleading for more than an hour, he sat down sullen and hopeless in his ambition to acquire a chandelier.
Then the elder president of the board stood up. "What're we wasting time talkin' for?" he said rhetorically.
"Foist of all, a chandelier, .. we ain't got nobody who could even spell it.
Second, we ain't got nobody who could even play it.
And third, what we need most in the church is more light!"
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